ATC - air traffic controller

Padehal exam xlepas lagi tp aku dh terasa bahangnya. aku rasa cuak x hengat la. dpt lak aku pegi research psl ATC n byk je plane crash psl kecuaian ATC. tp benda ni jgk menjadikan aku lebey tertarik pd post ini n lebey semangat nk g exam. walopon nnti besar kemungkinan x dpt (lantaran aku neh mmg jenis nervous x hengat), tp aku akan try lg next year. muahahaha. org laen gigih apply for PTD, aku gigih ngan ATC.

td aku baca pasal accident sume, xde la sume, ade la beberapa jek. kt sini aku nk letak 1.

This incident happened on 02 Feb 1991. The aircraft (USAir Flight 1493 ) was cleared to land on runway 24L at Los Angeles International Airport. The controller had also cleared a Skywest Metroliner to taxi into position and hold midpoint down the runway, with the intention of clearing it for takeoff before the USAir jet landed. The controller never cleared the Metroliner for takeoff, and at night, it was virtually invisible to the USAir crew. As USAir Flight 1493 touched down, the crew noticed the aircraft on the runway and attempted to avoid it. USAir Flight 1493 was travelling 140 knots, however, and was unable to veer off the runway in time.

The conversation between the ATC and the pilot during the time.


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