The My Lai Massacre

Photo taken by United States Army| photographer Ronald L. Haeberle on March 16, 1968 in the aftermath of the My Lai massacre showing mostly women and children dead on a road. The photo is copied and used in many places which mention the massacre. This particular image was copied from the KryssTal Web Site (which also shows more graphic alternate images).
According to Camilla Griggers, professor of Visual Communication and Linguistics at California State University, Channel Islands:
- The Army photographer, Ronald Haeberle, assigned to Charlie Company on March 16th, 1968 had two cameras. One was an Army standard; one was his personal camera. The film on the Army owned camera, i.e., the official camera of the State, showed standard operations that is, 'authorized' and 'official' operations including interrogating villagers and burning 'insurgent' huts. What the film on the personal camera showed, however, was different. When turned over to the press and Government by the photographer, those 'unofficial' photographs provided the grounds for a court martial. Haeberle's personal images (owned by himself and not the US Government) showed hundreds of villagers who had been killed by U.S. troops. More significantly, they showed that the dead were primarily women and children, including infants. These photographs exposed the fact that the 'insurgents' in popular discourse about Vietnam were actually unarmed civilians. The photos made visible to viewers that the 'enemy' in Vietnam was actually the indigenous Vietnamese population.
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